February 15, 2024

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16

Have you ever asked yourself, “Now what do I do?”

I remember asking myself this question after my divorce was final. I asked
this after retiring in my 50s and still having the desire to work. I asked the question after my mother passed away and I couldn’t imagine life without her. I’ve asked it many times over the years, and without fail, God has answered my question! Was it immediate? Not always. But He did answer, and sometimes it was a big surprise.

When I became a single mother and so many things were changing, God’s answer to, “Now what do I do?” was that I needed to work on myself. As a result, I took every Bible study I could find, dove deeply into trying to be the best mother I could be, read books about how to be a successful single mother, and sought my pastor’s advice. I worked on my mind, body, and soul! It was a long process, but the things I learned during that time have made me a much better version of myself. I’m more patient, more loving, more kind, and though I still have far to go, I’m a better person!

When I desired a new profession, I fervently opened my heart to God and asked that His will be done in my life. He almost immediately opened doors that enabled me to go into full-time ministry. It required me to leave the place where I’d lived for nearly 30 years and to live alone for the first time in my life. Both were things that could have been scary, but I knew I was in the center of God’s will for my life, and I was excited!

The passing of my mother was perhaps the greatest loss I’ve ever suffered. My, “Now what do I do?” came with lots of tears and a broken heart. However, our ever-faithful Lord wrapped His loving arms around me and gave me this message, “Be grateful you had a wonderful mother who loved you unconditionally and who you will miss every day; not everyone has a mother like this.”

Are you in a place where you’re asking yourself, “Now what do I do?” If so, I hope the place you’ll look for answers is not in other people or things, but in a personal relationship with the One who loves you unconditionally, who gave His life for you, and who wants only good for you! “For God so loved YOU…”

Susan Meharg, Executive Assistant to the Executive Team