December 1, 2023

As we navigate the busyness of the month of December, our calendars are often filled to the brim with events, gatherings, and to-do lists. Amid the hustle and bustle, it’s easy to lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas. In the midst of the whirlwind of activity, the timeless song O Holy Night offers us a moment of reflection.

This carol invites us to think about an ordinary night that became extraordinary because Jesus was born. It reminds us that, despite the chaos that often defines this season, the heart of Christmas lies in the simple yet wonderful message of Christ’s birth.

In the middle of our jam-packed schedules and endless errands, we can find a glimmer of hope. O Holy Night teaches us that, just as the night sky over Bethlehem transformed into a holy sanctuary, our ordinary lives can become spaces where we encounter our amazing God.

December’s frenetic pace can sometimes plunge us into darkness – the darkness of exhaustion, stress, or even spiritual emptiness. It’s during these moments that Christ comes to us as a reminder that the darkness will never put out the true light of the world. Amidst the holidays, His presence remains constant and unwavering.

We can take comfort in the knowledge that we are the beloved children of God. Just as the shepherds were chosen witnesses to the miraculous birth of Jesus, we too are called to bear witness to His presence in our lives. Even when the whirlwind of December distracts us, His love and grace shine brightly, guiding us through the night like a beacon of hope.

This Christmas season, as you juggle your packed calendar and race against the clock, carry the message of O Holy Night with you. Remember that, in the midst of the craziness, we find the everlasting light. In the midst of doubt, we are reassured that we are children of God. In the midst of despair, we can still receive hope.

So, during the events and festivities that crowd your December calendar, take a moment to look up at the sky. Remember that the same God who filled that Bethlehem night with His glory is with you in your most chaotic moments. His presence can transform the ordinary busyness of December into a season of deep meaning and connection. May the hope that Christmas brings shine brightly in your heart and light your path throughout this season and beyond.

Schuyler Henderson, Edmond Campus Director of Youth Ministry