November 28, 2023

Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart to revere your name. – Psalm 86:11

I am one of those annoyingly cheerful morning people – just ask my sweet husband! So, it’s not surprising I arrived as the coffee shop was opening that particular morning. I ordered my necessary caffeine and settled into a rhythm.

When I arrived, only two employees were behind the counter. As each of the subsequent employees trickled in, they were greeted with warmth and kindness. Their presence was valued just as God values each one of us. I was impressed by how much these people respected each other, laughed together, and encouraged each other during the busyness of a coffee shop during the morning rush. One order at a time, they made a positive difference in our world.

I don’t know if I caught this group on a day when they all had gotten a good night’s sleep or if they are always like this, but they made an undeniable difference for everyone that morning. Each customer went away feeling better. Certainly, my day was made better by watching their positive interactions.

Every person that came in or drove through was valued. The employees made an effort to connect with each and every person. It was obvious they had their regulars, but even the first-timers were brought into the fold and made to feel like a friend immediately.

“Where’s our puppy friend today?” I didn’t hear the exact response to that question but it was easy to see something tragic had happened. I watched as one of the employees ministered to a tearful dog owner while taking a coffee order. She leaned in, touched her hand and patiently listened to her story. One ordinary person ministering to another. We don’t have to do huge things to make a huge difference. Simple moments are magically restorative if we simply show up for them.

I was there long enough to know these people truly appreciated and enjoyed each other. In turn, that love and kindness flowed automatically into the world! I wonder how many times I’ve missed seeing an ordinary moment become something truly extraordinary because I was too busy to notice.

That special morning, I heard the words, “let’s find our rhythm” many times as they worked in concert to bless life while serving up a cup of coffee. These Advent weeks are available so that we may find our own rhythm in the light of God’s most precious gift to us. Perhaps simply slowing down and noticing the extraordinary ordinary right in front of us is the best rhythm of all.

Tisha Tate Garcia, Hospitality Team