October 31, 2023

“All shall give as they are able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God that he has given you.” -Deuteronomy 16:17

Tonight, children will fill my neighborhood in search of candy. This includes my own family. They will wear costumes, their glow sticks will light up the sky, and we will witness Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman, Princesses, and so many more characters swarming the streets looking to fill up their buckets.

Unfortunately, not all families will be celebrating Halloween in this way. Some families have little ones in the hospital. They are unable to go door to door, in the search for candy. For over seven years now, the families who have a child in the NICU at St. Luke’s Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri are able to experience a little joy, thanks to some special volunteers who help care for these precious newborns. The NICU is for extremely premature babies who need constant medical assistance. These babies are unable to go home with their families.  Because of the special needs of these tiny children, their families spend day and night in the NICU.

A group of volunteers with the March of Dimes and St. Luke’s Hospital decided to help the families in the NICU celebrate Halloween. Volunteers spoke with each family about their baby and about each family’s hobbies and passions.  The volunteers then work to create costumes and throw a party for the families who are missing on all the excitement beyond the walls of the NICU.

It did not take long to make these tiny costumes and organize the party, but it brought huge smiles to the parents who saw their little ones in superhero colors, barbie pink, butterfly wings and one dressed as a donut. It was no doubt a welcome distraction to the very serious life-saving work within the NICU.  These volunteers make a difference in the NICU because they used their gifts of sewing to bring joy to families who pace the halls of a hospital worrying about their children.

We each have been given gifts to make a difference in the world. Sewing is not one of my gifts to share, but each time I see the wonderful pictures of the big smiles brought on by these little costumes I am reminded that our gifts, combined with compassion and kindness, can bless the people in our lives. How will you make a difference? What gifts did God give you? When we share, we help make the love of God a reality in our world.

–Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship