October 26, 2023

“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us…” -Romans 12:6

God has given gifts to each of us for the purpose of blessing others. These gifts are diverse. After all, each of us are created as unique individuals. These various gifts from God are for the purpose of sharing God’s love and bringing hope to all.

The members of the Rogue Raven Bikers Association recently used their time and hobbies to bless lives. Instead of enjoying a long ride on a beautiful autumn day, they took their bikes to a local nursing home where they brought smiles, laughter, and joy to the residents. The residents of Berkeley House Care Home did not exactly know what to expect when the leather wearing bikers arrived. Soon, new friendships were made, and a day of fun was had by all.

First, the bikers took time showing off their motorcycles. They were proud to do so. The residents were able to sit on the giant machines and took several photos. Many of the residents took time telling stories of how they road motorcycles in their youth. The members of Rogue Raven Bikers offered a listening ear. They enjoyed the memories being shared.

The day did not end there. Some of the residents returned the favor and shared their hobbies with the bikers. That is when the knitting needles were brought out. Before long, lessons in how to create with yarn and large needles were being shared. Now the bikers were the ones smiling as their tattooed hands were learning a new skill.

Rachelle Wood is the Activity Coordinator for the Berkeley House Care Home. She was the one who helped coordinate this wonderful encounter. She was so happy that these men would give their time to come and share with the residents. She said, “Moments like these bring joy, nostalgia, and a sense of connection to our residents. It enriches their lives.”  It was not just the lives of the residents who found joy and enrichment that day. New memories were made for all involved.

When we are willing to give the gift of our time to bless others, we will no doubt find that we too receive a blessing. When we share our gifts, our passions with others, we will then have the opportunity to share joy, hope, and love with the people we encounter. God has given each of us gifts to share. Let us use our time, our talents, our gifts, to share God’s love and bring hope to the world.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship