October 23, 2023

October 23, 2023

“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” -Romans 15:5-6

This past April, a tornado touched down in Shawnee, OK. Homes, businesses, and schools were significantly damaged. This is the community my family and I have lived in for many years. Our home escaped damage. We spent a few days without power. So many in town lost their homes. It was a devastating event that we are still recovering from today.

The tornado struck while it was dark. No one knew the full extent of the damage, but we knew people would need help in the morning. Word quickly began circulating, via social media, that groups would be organized to help. The local LifeChurch campus would be the place where volunteers would gather early in the morning. Thankfully, this church was out of the path of the tornado. The next morning, we grabbed our work gloves, a few tools, and gathered with other community volunteers. It would be the start of many days of cleanup.

That first morning was a reminder to me of who God calls us to be. The parking lot was filled with volunteers. It was easy to see that people had come from every denomination in the community. The volunteers were Methodist, Baptist, Catholics, and nondenominational Christians. We were gathered with one purpose, to help our neighbors. Before long, volunteers and trucks, filled with supplies, would arrive from so many places, including St. Luke’s.

We were quickly organized into small groups, and each handed a small, yellow sticky note with an address. We did not know the extent of the damage. There were still powerlines down, and many of the roads were impassible. That’s all we really knew. Without hesitation, we jumped into our vehicles and sped away to do what we could to help. Within just a few moments, chainsaws were at work, and we were creating piles of limbs and debris. The work was challenging.

God calls us to serve one another. When our neighbors are in need we are called to help. Sometimes we help with our labor. Other times we give to help bless others. When we respond, in compassion, we will make a difference. We are called to come together, as the people of God, give of ourselves, so that we can share God’s love and bring hope to the world.

-Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship