October 17, 2023

October 17, 2023

“Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.” – -1 Timothy 6:18-19

We often struggle with the question, “Am I really able to make a difference?” It is a good question to ask ourselves. The answer to this question is, of course, “Yes!” Each of us can make a positive difference in the lives of the people around us and around the world.”

When I first read about Sylvia Bloom, I was reminded how one person can bless so many people. Sylvia has provided several generous gifts that will bless many lives for years to come. Sylvia Bloom spent her adult life working as a secretary for a lawyer in New York City. She lived a quiet and somewhat frugal life. Sylvia was a dedicated employee. No one at her work realized, in her many years of service, that Sylvia she had become a millionaire.

Sylvia was a good steward of the money she earned. She saved and spent wisely. She would follow the lead of her employer. When he would make an investment, she would also, in proportion to what she made. She quietly grew her fortune to just over 9 million before she passed away. Everyone who knew her was shocked to learn about her financial holdings.  They were even more amazed when they learned that she intended to bless others with all that she had collected.

Sylvia recently passed away. Through her will, Sylvia blessed the lives of some of her closest friends. Three large gifts were then given out of her estate. Two scholarship funds were established at local colleges and a 6.2-million-dollar endowment was established at the Henry Street Settlement, a community mission to help struggling youth in New York City.

With the right perspective on the gifts and opportunities God gives us, and a vision to bless others’ lives, we can truly make a difference. In her many quiet years of hard work Sylvia Bloom grew a small fortune of just over 9 million dollars. Much of that is now an established scholarship that will help students achieve more and go further than Sylvia did in her own life. What a difference Sylvia has made. What gifts has God given you? What opportunities has God placed in your life? What vision has God given you? With God, we can make a difference.

-Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship