October 10, 2023

“But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” -Matthew 19:26

Dorothy Hoffner has helped to teach the world an important lesson. There are few, if any limits, that can keep us from living life to the full. Dorothy Hoffner just celebrated her 104th birthday by jumping out of a plane at 13,500 feet. Dorothy boarded the plane, just outside of Chicago. She first walked to the plane, with the help of her walker. Dorothy then stepped into her harness and boarded her flight.

This was not the first jump for Dorothy. Her first time was at age 100. Dorothy said the entire thing was “delightful, wonderful, and could not have been better.” Her next plan is to take a hot-air balloon ride at age 105. She is awaiting her certification for the Guinness World Record. The current record holder was 103 at the time of her jump.

I love Dorothy’s story. For Dorothy, age is no barrier. Her struggles with walking did not keep her from flying for just over seven minutes. It makes me wonder, what opportunities have I missed out on because of perceived limits that I place on myself? How often could God have accomplished something though me, but I was unwilling to try? What difference could I have made if I were to simply trust God?

The scriptures are filled with the stories of the great heroes of the faith. They accomplished so many wonderful things because they trusted God, who called them beyond the ordinary, to do significant things for God. Moses was 80 years old when he led the people to freedom. (Exodus 7:7) Peter was a simple fisherman when Jesus chose him to lead the church. (Matthew 16:18) Paul was a Pharisee, committed to stopping the growth of the new church, when Jesus called him to grow the church around the world. (Acts 9:1-16)

Each of these faithful people have made a difference in the world because they were willing to move beyond the obstacles in front of them and try something new. When they trusted God, they saw they could make a difference. Doubtful God will call us to jump from a plane, but God does call his people help change the world. This is not impossible. In fact, “with God all things are possible.”

Thank you for the difference you have already made in the world. Now, let’s look beyond our limitations, follow God, and do even bigger things for God.

-Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship