Throughout the month of July, I have been amazed by our children at St. Luke’s. In Sunday school, they have been brainstorming, discussing, and trying to figure out how they can help others. Our memory verse we have been focusing on in children’s church during the month of July was:
“Let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” – Galatians 6:10
The marketplace scene from Aladdin comes to my mind. Aladdin and Abu are in the marketplace. Aladdin and Abu have done their best and sneakiest methods to secure their breakfast, a melon that they split in half to eat and enjoy. Jasmine enters the marketplace for the first time on her own without her guards. She is not familiar to the atmosphere the marketplace holds. There are vendors trying to persuade Jasmine, the “pretty lady” to buy different odds and ends. Jasmine catches Aladdin’s eye and he enters a trance of admiration. Jasmine sees a very young boy, around 3 years old, unaccompanied by an adult, trying to reach an apple. Now, Jasmine has never needed or wanted anything since she is the princess of the Sultan of Agrabah. She does not think twice and hands the young boy an apple from the fruit cart. The fruit cart vendor is enraged, and rightfully so. Jasmine just took an apple and gave it to the young boy without paying for it. Jasmine is taken back by the whole situation and quickly becomes flustered. As the princess of the Sultan, she has never had to carry any kind of monetary means. She is unable to pay for the apple she gave to the young boy, who quickly vanished to escape the consequences of Jasmine’s “gift”.
Our 2nd-5th graders at both campuses have been creating “Blessing Bags”. The Blessing Bags they have packed with love and care contain non-perishable foods and hygiene items. We have prayed over these bags every week to bless those they reach. On July 14, 2023, we took 4th & 5th graders to assist Community Market. The children were nervous and did not know what to expect while we made our way to the two locations. At the end of the day, they were so empowered and ready to volunteer week after week to bless others.
Our children at St. Luke’s are not princes or princesses, but most of them have never been like Aladdin, Abu, or the young boy in the marketplace. I am grateful the children of St. Luke’s are empathetic and understand how fortunate they are that they can bless others with their time and love.
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for blessing us. You not only give us good things, but you invite us to bless others with what you’ve given to us. Let us always remember that you have blessed us so that we can bless others. This is the best way to live. Amen.
– Jocelyn Morgan, Edmond Campus Director of Children’s Ministry