February 22, 2022

“…but with God all things are possible.” – Matthew 19:26

Music is an important part of our lives. It provides the soundtrack to our favorite shows. Music helps inspire us, encourage us, and gives rhythm and lyrics to the significant moments of our lives. Music helps us when we are sad, when we are angry, when we are happy, and when we are filled with joy. I love listening to music. My music playlists are as varied as my life experiences. Listening to music requires those amazing musicians who create and bring those amazing soundtracks to life.

I admire musicians. The ability to bring a song from their mind to life on an instrument, or with their voice, is remarkable. The artistic mind of a musician is a special place where the dream of the song first finds life, but the talent of the body brings the music out for the world to hear. The necessity of the body and mind together, to make music, is often a limiting factor for who can be considered a musician.

Recently, Zacharias Vamvakousis has created wonderful new technology to help those whose bodies are incapable of making the music that is alive in their minds. Zacharias has created what he calls the “EyeHarp.” Zacharias has a PhD in Music Technology. His hope is to help quadriplegics have the ability to play music. He had this idea after seeing a close friend suffer from a severe motorcycle accident.

The “EyeHarp” technology uses the camera of a computer to detect a person blinking. The computer then converts the rhythm of the blinking into music. There is a colored wheel on the screen. When the musician focuses on a different color, the pitch of the music is changed. While the technology is new, it is already helping people connect their body with their minds and bringing music that was once silent to life.

“EyeHarp” is an innovative technology that is helping the impossible become possible. When Zacharias saw his friend’s need, he began to dream of how he could help. He used his love for music and technology to help bring hope to life for so many people who hope to bring their own music to life.

I believe that God gives each of us dreams and abilities to help make wonderful things possible in other’s lives.  Your talent may not be music or technology, but you have the gift of imagination. When we use our imagination, and allow ourselves to dream big dreams, we can help to improve so much. With God’s grace, our dreams and skills will be used to build a better world.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship