“Make me to know thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth and teach me for thou art the God of my salvation; for thee I wait all the day long.” – Psalm 25:4-5
One of the most significant moments of my faith journey took place when I was 16 years old. I took part in a three-day retreat called Chrysalis. It was a wonderful experience. The event was filled with challenging discussions about faith, beautiful worship, and lots and lots of food. This event provided me an opportunity to encounter God and strengthen my faith in a powerful way.
The Chrysalis retreat was a well-planned event. The teachings were informative. The leaders challenged us in our discussions about the faith. The work that was put into the planning and execution of the event was obvious. However, there was one thing that helped to make this a significant moment for me. I lost my voice the day before the event began. I had come down with a serious case of laryngitis. It would be several days until I got my voice back. Because I could not speak, I spent the weekend listening. Even when I wanted to share my thoughts and opinions, I could not. I had no voice.
It was a powerful weekend for me. In fact, it was a life-changing weekend. It was at this Chrysalis weekend that I received my call into the ministry. I believe I heard God’s leading for one simple reason; I was listening.
Listening is not easy. There are so many things that compete for our attention. We often find it hard to be quiet, to draw still long enough to listen. Our busy schedules keep us on the move. Our technology is mobile and constantly with us, calling for our attention. The persistent noise of our daily lives keeps us from slowing down and listening.
When I was placed in a situation where I was compelled to listen, I was able to hear a new possibility for my life. This moment taught me that God wants to speak to us. God wants to show us His path for our lives. The challenge for us is to intentionally listen. When we listen for God to speak to us, we put ourselves in a position for God to show us God’s plans for our lives.
– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship