January 4, 2022

During this holiday season, I found that I really appreciate the grid lines on some wrapping paper. These lines really make such a difference when you’re trying to cut the wrapping paper in a straight line!  Sometimes I have a roll of wrapping paper without those guidelines, and I find that it’s much more difficult to cut in a straight line on my own.  One little trick that I’ve found to be helpful in making it straighter is to focus my eyes on the endpoint that I want to get to.  I’ve found that without the guidelines, when I only focus on where I’m cutting, I typically veer off more than I intend.  When I focus on where I want to go, to a point on the other end of the paper that lines up with where I am, then it’s amazing how my scissors can cut and glide to that point.  The end result is a straighter line than what I would have if I just focused on each cut.

These kind of focus points and guidelines are so important in our lives, as well.  We need to find things to guide us and to be our reference points.  Sometimes we need guidelines for each step and other times, when those guidelines are not present, then we must focus ahead.  There are different ways that guidelines may be present in our life, steps along a recovery journey or steps towards a healthier lifestyle, or even a support person who is with us along our path.  But sometimes our path is not quite as clear, or we may be a bit more alone in our walk.  It’s at these times that I think the best thing we can do is to look ahead and focus on where we want to go and faithfully take the next step.  Truly, we are focusing not just on where we want to go, but Who we want to go towards.  I do think that as we look at where we want to go, and hopefully where God wants us to go, it also helps set up other reference points along the way to keep us oriented and balanced on the path that God wants us to walk with him.

The promise of the Christmas season reminds us of just who Jesus is.  Jesus means, “the one who saves” (Matthew 1:21), he was to be called Emmanuel, which means “God with us” (Matthew 1:23), and he is the “true light” (John 1:9).  Jesus is there to light our path and guide us along our journey.  Thankfully, He doesn’t just wait to be with us until we have figured it all out or reached our goals.  God is present with us and gives us just what we need, which includes a lot of grace.  And if you’re feeling a little unsure or unbalanced in your life, then set yourself back to Jesus, the Guide, and the Reference Point to focus on as you continue your journey.

Amy Givens, Director of Youth Ministry