December 28, 2021

December 28, 2021

Christmas day was always a big deal at my childhood home. Christmas morning started early for us. We would gather in the living room, impatiently waiting to open our gifts.  It is always such great fun to open presents. After we opened presents, I would take time to enjoy my gifts.

It did not take long for the joy of opening presents to be quickly pushed aside to prepare for the arrival of family and Christmas Day dinner. It never really made me happy, as a kid, to put my gifts away and get dressed for family. My mom understood our desire play, but she would keep us on track preparing for company.

After our family arrived, we would quickly settle in to enjoying seeing aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews. It was truly a lively time when the whole family would gather for Christmas. The food was always amazing, and the company was even better. Our family’s time together was special.

Sometime later in the evening, the extended family would return to their homes. Our house always seemed quiet and so empty on Christmas night. I would quickly move back to my gifts. The gifts never seemed quite as exciting as they did that morning, although, I was always appreciative of them.

There was a Christmas lesson I was learning, but it didn’t fully understand it as a child. The people around us, our family and our friends, are truly one of the greatest gifts in our lives. As a child, I anticipated toys. I looked forward to playing with new toys. Those gifts were wonderful and gave me many hours of enjoyment. However, it is my family and friends that have made the biggest impact on my life.

This Christmas I am pausing to give thanks for my family and friends. After a year where so many celebrated Christmas apart from their loved ones, I believe we realize, all-the-more, that they are a gift to us from God. It is our family and friends that make life enjoyable. I hope you will also stop to offer your gratitude for your family and friends. They truly help make Christmas and our lives wonderful.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship