June 23, 2021

Romans 15:4 – “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.”

Through the years I’ve learned that everyone has a different style for unpacking – both at our destinations and at home.  When our family arrives in the hotel, some of us utilize the drawers and closet to fold and hang our clothes so they will be easily accessible during our stay.  Others keep the clothes in the suitcase to make sure we do not leave anything behind.  When we arrive home some of us like to unpack immediately, while others prefer to take their time.

Years ago, a mentor encouraged me to “unpack the Scriptures.”  The spirit of this approach was to take time each day to dig deeper into the meaning and purpose behind God’s Word.  Sometimes that process involves rearranging my own thoughts, biases, and perspectives.  Other times it means trying a new approach to reading or digesting the words of a chapter or verse.  It always involves prayer, combining textual & historical analysis with personal experience and seeking the input of others.  There are many approaches to reading the Scriptures, but it requires intentionality on our part in order to gain a deeper understanding of God’s revelation as found in the Bible.  When we come to worship each week, our pastors help us gain new insights into beloved stories.  Together, we try to learn how God wants us to live as people of faith.

I’ve discovered that as we “unpack” the Bible we are able to know more about the abundance and joy of God’s message.  Unpacking the Scripture takes time, effort, and faith.  By reading it daily, asking questions, learning more about the Bible, and asking God for guidance through prayer, we can discover great HOPE!  Romans 15 tells us the hope we find in the Bible gives us endurance, patience, strength, and direction for each day.  I pray that you will “unpack” the Bible a little more this week as you seek to grow in your faith.  I also encourage you to find a Bible study, Sunday School class, Wednesday Night Alive group, or some other setting where you can “unpack” the Scriptures to know the HOPE of Christ as found in the Bible in new and meaningful ways.

– Rev. Phil Greenwald, Executive Pastor of Administration