December 29, 2020

Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold fast to the traditions which you have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle. – 2 Thessalonians 2:15

This year has thrown off so many traditions and disrupted our family events. Halloween came and went in a blur, and I realized we didn’t carve pumpkins this year. I’m concerned that we let this year take away our sense of tradition. This Christmas, I’m determined to do the best lights on our house that we’ve ever done! I don’t want our traditions to fade away because of 2020. I want our son to grow up knowing how important it is to light up our house. It will shine on the inside and the outside. A bright point of hope in all the darkness of 2020.

The Apostle Paul understood the need to maintain our traditions. It is through practices, like hanging Christmas lights, that we “Proclaim the good news” (2 Thessalonians 2:14).  That is to say, when we decorate our trees and light our houses we proclaim the hope and love that comes to life in Jesus. Paul encouraged the young church to, “hold fast to the traditions.” This is good advice for us as we face so many changes in 2020.

With so many struggles this year, we need to take the time to find ways to bring light to those who live around us. This year has gone in a very wrong direction for many around the world. We need to take time and think of ways to make a difference this holiday season. While we hold fast to the traditions the define Advent, I hope we will also consider what new traditions can we start this year. As followers of Christ, we have a mission to carry His light into the world. And what could this year of darkness, confusion, and worry need more than light and hope?

– Logan Fish, Edmond Campus Director of Hospitality