June 9, 2020

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old is gone, the new is here!” – II Corinthians 5:17

There are so many life events which lead to a new normal: graduating from high school or college, the first day on a new job or the loss of a job, the arrival of a child, a change in health, the beginning of a new relationship, the loss of a loved one, and the list goes on.

Every time I think back on my own life, I remember these milestone events which have led to new opportunities, new ways of thinking, new perspectives on the world and new ways to understand our faith in Christ.  I am grateful for the way that God has led me in and through these experiences.  At the time, many of the events caused me to feel the weight of the unknown, with worry and fear prevailing.  But in hindsight, I can see the hand of God at work bringing new hope, new joy and new life.

Sometimes it is hard to accept the change that is always occurring around us.  When we recognize that new things are happening, we want to cling to the familiar.  Yet when we try something new, we can experience life in ways that we have not yet imagined.  Today, I encourage you to ask God for the courage and strength to face the events in your life with a sense of optimism as you discover the ways that God is leading you.  Ask God for wisdom and discernment as you walk through the daily challenges, knowing that God will be with you every step of the way.  When the “new” comes, give God thanks for the ways that you are blessed – both in good times and hard ones – as a child of God.

– Rev. Phil Greenwald, Executive Pastor of Administration