April 17, 2020

“As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” – Luke 17:12-13

Leprosy is a disease that is mentioned throughout the Bible. It is a disease that has ravaged people for centuries. When a person becomes infected, it begins to damage the body. Over time the skin begins to degenerate, and the body becomes disfigured. We now know what causes leprosy, and we can even cure it. During Jesus’ life, the only way to treat a person with leprosy was to isolate those infected. Not only were they sick, but now they faced the removal from society and everyone they loved.

The pain and seclusion experienced by those with leprosy was dreadful. It is no wonder that those ten men who were infected went looking for Jesus. When they found him, they called to Jesus. They begged for mercy. Jesus, full of mercy, healed them all. He restored their bodies and sent them back into society to be reunited with their loved ones.

Over the past few weeks I have thought about this scene in Luke’s Gospel. I have found great comfort in this encounter between Jesus and these ten men. It reminds me that, even in the midst of trials, sickness, and isolation, we can go to God, filled with the knowledge that God’s actions are guided by mercy. God does not abandon us. God is with us, and God cares for us. It is God’s presence and God’s loving mercy towards us that offers us peace in these difficult times.

Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship