March 5, 2020

I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. – Psalm 34:4

Friendships are something I truly value.  I enjoy having a bond with another person and sharing experiences and making memories with them.  I’ve been blessed to have the best life-long friend ever!  My friendship with Leslie began in the church nursery and we have continued to be great friends through many seasons of life!

Some of our experiences have been wonderful; going to school dances, having our first crushes, summer mission trips, learning to drive, serving in our church together, and choosing our universities and going different ways.  I had my son while I was in college and she was one of my biggest supporters!  I was with her when she selected her wedding gown and was there when she walked down the aisle.

But with the good times, also came the bad; our parents both divorced, we both lost a grandparent, and we broke up with boyfriends.  Leslie’s life changed forever, when she was 23 and diagnosed with brain cancer.  For one so young, this could have been devastating and she could have become angry and bitter.  Although she was going through many different struggles and trials, she never let her faith dim.  She knew that God was in control and never let her worries or fears get in the way of His power and love.  As she journeyed though the next year undergoing multiple surgeries, chemotherapy, and proton therapy, she was an inspiration not only to me, but to many others.  She suffered through so many procedures in a short amount of time, but she never let any of that slow her down. I’m so happy and thankful that Leslie just celebrated four years of being cancer free.

After her cancer treatment, she was told that she would not be able to conceive and have children.  What a surprise when they found out she was pregnant, and they are now parents to a happy, healthy little boy who will soon be three years old.

I’ve learned a great lesson from my friend, and it’s about trusting God.  We don’t know if we’ll always be healthy, but God knows.  We can’t see the future, but God can.  We don’t know if or when we might lose a loved one, but God does.  We know so little, but He knows so much!  I pray to have faith like my friend, Leslie, so I can trust God both during the good times and the struggles.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. – Psalm 3:5-6

– Taylor Easttom, Edmond Campus Director of Children’s Ministry