December 31, 2019

December 31, 2019

I have always enjoyed the Christmas season. For me it is a time of love, joy and special memories. Growing up Christmas was always a time of family and friends, surrounded by love. I have wonderful memories of family gathering to celebrate and going to church together.

I love the decorations and music of Christmas. I especially love the time reflecting on memories of past Christmas seasons. Each year on the day after Thanksgiving, I begin making room for all the Christmas decorations. I carefully pack away my regular knick knacks and then pull out all the boxes of Christmas items. As I decorate the house and the tree, I like to take time to think about the items with special meaning to me, or that were given to me by someone special. As I think of these wonderful memories, I take the time to thank God for the blessing of these memories and the people they involve.

One of my favorite Christmas decorations to collect are nativity scenes. As I put each one out on display, or hang one on my tree, I enjoy reflecting on that first Christmas day so many years ago when Jesus was born. I think about what it must have been like, the people, the place, the emotions of that day. I also think about the amazing gift of His birth. I take the time to thank God for loving us enough to send Jesus into this world. This time helps me to remember what this season is all about, and to focus my heart on this wonderful gift of love.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the amazing gift of your Son Jesus. Help us to focus our hearts on the gift and Your love for us. During this busy season, help us to remember to take time to reflect on what the reason for this season truly is about. Help us to share that reason and Your love with others, not just during this season, but every day. Amen.

Lee Ann Simpson, Administrative Assistant, Asbury Campus