October 26, 2018

“…for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me…” – Matthew 25:35

8-year-old Carmine McDaniel showed the world that our actions matter. Carmine offered a cold drink to his mailman. Carmine loves when the postman comes to his house. He even dressed like a postal carrier for Halloween. When Carmine and his family realized that the temperature was going to be extremely hot in their Virginia community they left an ice chest filled with water and Gatorade on their front porch. They attached a small sign that read, “Mailman: Water and Gatorade in the cooler – Have a good day.”

Later that day the McDaniel’s home security system caught Henry Bailey, Carmine’s mailman stepping onto the front porch and reading the sign. Henry’s reaction was great. While dripping wet with sweat, Henry is seen bending over the cooler and removing a cold drink. Without knowing he was being recorded, he simply said, “Thank God. Thank you!” Carmine’s kind gesture was well received.

In the middle of a hot day this 8-year-old fulfilled the words of Christ in the 25th chapter of Matthew when he offered a drink to a thirsty soul. Providing a drink to a hard-working person on a hot summer’s day seems like a simple gesture, but it is a deed that extends kindness, respect and the love of God while providing for the basic needs of a person. Each day we have the opportunity to share the love of God with the people around us. It may be giving a cold drink, or simply saying, “Thank you” to a person whose work affects your life. I hope that Carmine McDaniel will serve as a reminder to us all that what we do matters. We can share God’s love and bring hope to someone today.

Rev. Keith King, Online Campus Pastor