January 4, 2017

It’s the beginning of a brand new year.  That means getting used to writing “2017” when it feels like I just became accustomed to “2016”.  It means talk about resolutions, a new annual theme for our church, and thoughts toward upcoming sermon series.  Perhaps best of all, it means a new start.  We’ve been given the gift of a clean slate.  Whatever 2016 meant to us with its ups and downs, 2017 has yet to be written.  The script will be accomplished through a combination of circumstances and our reactions to them as well as our intentional actions apart from anything the world may throw our way.

There will be things that happen in our lives, for good and for bad, that we have no control over.  But in the long run, they have far less impact upon our lives that our reactions to those circumstances.  How we handle the events we encounter in the world will shape the largest part of our year.

But the other part of the 2017 script is our intentional actions.  We can decide right now the things we want to do in 2017.  We can plan to do the things that will make a difference.  We can commit ourselves to acts of kindness, expressing gratitude, and speaking words of encouragement.  2017 can be a great year if we will do our best to make a positive impact in the world and choose to react to any circumstances with grace and resilience.  2017 begins with us.  What kind of year are you planning?

Happy New Year!