July 6, 2018

Jesus calls us to a life of adventure! Sometimes that means going somewhere you’ve never been (both literally and figuratively) and that can feel scary! Just three things I want us to remember about adventure in our lives.

First of all, if you are a Disciple of Jesus Christ, you make a commitment to adventure. We must be willing to follow Christ and that means doing things you may have never imagined doing, seeing things you never dreamed you would and experiencing things outside of your comfort zone. Christ did not call His Disciples to safety or security.  Over and over the Bible tells us that Jesus calls us out into the deep water, out into the open sea where scary things can happen, but it’s in the adventure that you’ll find the meaning in your life. In Luke 8:22 Jesus tells the Disciples to cross to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. It was unfamiliar territory to them, but Jesus encouraged them to go and be a blessing to people they had never imagined helping.  When you are willing to go out in the deep, you’re going to find the meaning and the purpose of your life.

Secondly, Jesus tells us that there will always be storms in this life, but do not be afraid.  In fact, the Bible contains the story of Jesus calming the storms in both Matthew, Mark and Luke! All three gospel writers were really trying to make the point to the early church that Jesus calms the storms in life. It is a message that is still incredibly relevant to us, today. Don’t avoid going on the adventure because you’re afraid of the storm.  Follow Christ anyways and be confident that when the storms blow, you don’t have to be afraid! Be willing to step outside of your comfort zone, to risk and dream and know that even when the storms hit, you don’t have to be afraid!  

Third, it really is easy to complain about life, isn’t it? It’s also easy to get in a habit of blaming others for your problems. We blame our parents, our friends, our spouses or even our children. We forget to take responsibility for our own lives. Jesus calls us out into the deep, but you have to take the responsibility to cast off the dock lines and go! He calls us to go to the other side and you can be sure there will be storms, but you don’t have to let fear hold you back. God calls us to go, anyways! Only you can make the choice to go into the deep water and you can be sure a great voyage awaits you!