July 2, 2017

Margaret Whittemore led our class this morning resuming our study on forgiveness. We’ll be using Adam Hamilton’s book Forgiveness – Find Peace Through Letting Go. We talked about definitions of sin and Margaret read a long list of synonyms for sin.

She then moved to the Bible and what it says about sin. The first was John 8 and the woman who was caught in adultery and could have been stoned. Let the person who is without sin throw the first stone. The second was Ephesians 4:26 – do not sin in anger and don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry. The last was Romans 6:20-23 which talks about being a slave to sin and being set free from sin in Jesus.

We watched Adam Hamilton’s video where he gave a great analogy. He used rocks and a backpack to demonstrate the burden of carrying around all of our sins when we’re estranged from God because of it. We’ll continue our study next week.

Written by: Sharon Selby