July 23, 2017

When we find ourselves facing a difficulty, God did not send us the problem. But He sends us the strength to address the problem.

As Rabbi Harold Kushner explains. In his book, Nine Essential Things I’ve Learned About Life, God is the “still, small voice” that leads us along the way toward helping ourselves and others deal with adversities.

On Sunday, we discussed things, people and events that represent the still, small voice for us. One class member noted that such events do not have to occur in a church. They can be focused in a flower, a song, a person or powerful words from someone. For others, it may be a sense of peace that comes upon us during times of trouble, illness or sorrow.

It is up to us to be open and receptive to the still, small voice as it addresses us. If we listen and focus with intention, it might help us find meaning in what we do as we walk our own personal, spiritual path. Listening and focusing with intention can also help us to assist others, who may not want specific answers in times of need, but to have their sorrows and concerns heard, really heard.

Written by: Marie Price