August 23, 2017

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity.” -1 Timothy 2:1-2

Across the country children are returning to school. Teachers are preparing their lessons and deciding what each student needs for future success. It is the beginning of an educational process that will last an entire year. By the end of the year the students will have not only learned new reading, writing and math skills, but they will have developed a relationship with their teachers. This relationship will have helped shaped the future success of each of the students.

Timothy was a student of Paul. He was not with Paul to learn math or science. Timothy accompanied Paul on his missionary journeys to help spread the good news of Jesus and to establish churches around the world. Under Paul, Timothy learned the essentials of the Christian faith and witnessed Paul’s methods for starting and leading a church. Not only did he learn a great many things, he and Paul developed a close relationship. Paul would come to call Timothy, “a true son.” (1:2) Such a title is reserved for only the closest of bonds.

The letter of First Timothy is a letter from Paul to his pupil Timothy. It is written after Paul and Timothy part company and Timothy is placed in charge of the church at Ephesus. Paul continues to teach his student, his “Son.”

In Paul’s letter to Timothy his first appeal is for Timothy to lead by praying for all people, including and especially for, “kings and all who are in high positions.” I think Paul’s teaching to young Timothy is good teaching for us today. Paul calls for gratitude and for prayer for all people. The call to pray for our leaders is so important. It is a prayer that helps to connect people to God’s grace. When we pray for those in leadership we are blessing all people. When leaders are connected to God, they become leaders who bless people through God’s love and grace.

As you finish reading this devotional today, I want to ask you to stop, take a moment to pray. Give thanks for the people in your life. Take time to pray for those in leadership in your life. Pray for your local politicians, state leaders and national leaders. We all stand in need of God’s love and grace. Let us take a moment today, give thanks and pray God’s grace for our leaders.

Rev. Keith King, Online Campus Pastor