March 10, 2017

I contend that sunrises outshine sunsets every time. Both have immaculate color, mazy clouds weaving through the horizon, and just a few moments of pure burst that recall for me the beauty I’ve experienced in this world. Sunrises hold the promise of a new day, with new possibilities, and new dreams to chase down with abandon. I believe with each sunrise comes a reminder that God isn’t finished with us yet – that we have at least one more day of life to live and love to give.

For as long as I can remember, I have struggled to understand the unconditional love and acceptance God has for me. It has always been hard to perceive the depth of His love that always perseveres and always forgives. How could a perfect being consistently forgive such a flawed person like me? I make the same mistakes over and over; I turn to things other than prayer for solace and guidance. And yet, I find redemption in Christ. Dwell on that for a moment. We all have some ugly. God doesn’t love us despite the ugly; He loves us with and because of the ugly. Our imperfections are part of who we are and His grace covers all.
There’s a moment just before the sun starts rising in the morning when the deep indigo turns to a deep red just along the horizon. It’s then that I know the colors are just about to emerge into a piece of art only God can paint. The season of Lent is much like that moment each morning… so much is going on in the life of the church and we know what Good News is coming next, but it’s just not here quite yet. Take a moment today to reflect on God’s grace in your life. How has he shown you the beauty of His forgiveness in a new day?
Beth Armstrong, Director of Welcoming Ministry