April 7, 2017

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.   – Galatians 6:2

Have you ever been to an elementary school open house?  Sometimes I liken it to the Chisholm Trail cattle drive – lots of animals moving together… and smelly.

But there is one elementary school open house that sticks out in my mind for better reasons.  It was early 2014 and our daughters, Kalli and Tori, were so excited to share with us all that they had been working on over the weeks and months that led up to Open House.  They wanted us to see their artwork, their classrooms, and their amazing teachers.  Kalli, who was a third grader at the time, was particularly excited to show us the classroom of one of her favorite teachers – the Pre-K special needs class.  Kalli had been given the privilege of helping with the special needs class for preschoolers since the beginning of her third grade year.  She would assist the teacher at certain times of the day and would provide help and friendship to those special preschoolers, who truly admired this amazing third grader.  Once we had seen Kalli and Tori’s main classrooms, along with all the other stops along the way, Kalli tugged on my arm and wouldn’t let go – until we reached the special needs classroom.  She introduced me to the teacher and several of the kids in the room.  It was as though she was the nectar and all those little bees were drawn to her instantly.  My heart warmed at the sight!

But it wasn’t until we were leaving the room that my tears began to flow.  As we walked out the door, two parents were walking in, one pushing a young boy in a wheel chair.  I was struck by worn looks on the faces of the parents.  My heart ached for them and what each day must be like taking care of such a precious boy with so many needs.  But before I could form another thought, I witnessed something that will forever be in my heart.  Kalli immediately called the boy by name, bent down to kneel beside him, grabbed him by the hand and began talking to him.  She asked him how he was doing, told him that she was so glad to see him, all the while stroking his little hand resting on the wheel chair.

I was speechless. I looked up and saw the faces of the parents soften into a look of gratitude as they watched Kalli interact with their child.  We smiled and all said hello; then Kalli popped up and we were on our way, as if that was a normal occurrence for her.  I was certain it was.

Jesus came to show us the nature of God.  He directs us to care for those who are hurting, to look beyond the needs of ourselves, and to show love to those around us.  I pray that we are all able to follow His commands, and then pop up, as if it is a normal occurrence, because we would think of doing nothing less.

Stephanie Greenwald, Director of Worship