November 26, 2017

Marsha and I always love the Christmas season.  We love the carols, the decorations, and the family time together. But there are times when the season seems to fill up with busyness.  One of the mistakes I have seen happen is when people try to find balance by dividing their lives into two areas.  We try to separate the secular and holy aspects of Christmas: Santa, candy canes, and Jingle Bells are one category; Nativity sets, Christmas Eve worship, and Silent Night are another.  It is almost as if Christmas time can be fun or it can be religious, but we don’t think those things should overlap.  I believe it is that type of thinking that causes us to get overstressed during the Christmas season.  We think we need to have our secular lives just perfect – and that means we need to keep the house clean, decorated, the shopping completed, the gifts wrapped, food prepared, and outfits for each and every special occasion during the season. It can quickly become overwhelming. We have unrealistic expectations about what we can accomplish and pretty soon it takes up more time in our lives until we start cutting back on the religious realm.
I want to encourage all of us to stop compartmentalizing our lives in this way.  Be a Christ-follower in all aspects of your life, especially in the Christmas season.  For example, we don’t have to be a part of unhealthy consumerism, but why not welcome Jesus to be a part of your Christmas shopping?  Don’t we think Jesus would find meaning in bringing joy to someone?  Perhaps if we consciously remember Him in our shopping, we might find we spend less on the frivolous and truly seek out gifts that will be meaningful to the loved ones in our lives.  We can also invite Christ to be a part of our holiday meals; there are several occasions throughout the Gospels that speak of Jesus eating food.  When we become more intentionally aware of His presence, we might find we take time to savor food more, eat less, and share meals with those in need.
We might try to live as if we have a secular life and then a different life that is religious. But, the truth is we only have one life. Christ is present in our lives whether or not we invite Him into those secular moments. He wants to be there in every aspect.  Christ came into the world that we might live life to the fullest.  This Advent season, be intentional about remembering that Christ is already present with you; find joy with Him in all of your Christmas preparations and celebrations.
Dr. Bob Long, Senior Pastor