December 1, 2017

We were walking down the road, heading to our work site, when one of the boys with us broke his flip-flop. A great sadness fell over his face as he said that was the last pair of shoes he owned. Many of us gathered around him and assured him that we would go purchase him a new pair. We reached the work site where we were going to pray over the home we had completed. As we stood in the circle, I looked across at our mission host, Carlos, and noticed he only had on a pair of socks. Next to him stood the boy who had broken his only pair of flip-flops, holding Carlos’ tennis shoes. Carlos gave him the shoes he was wearing.
Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you? And the king will answer the, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’ – Matthew 25:37-40
The image of Carlos and this boy is etched in my mind.
Over the last few years serving in Roatan, Honduras, I have gotten to know this man, Carlos, and each time I see or speak to him, I am more and more inspired.
I see how his acts of kindness have transformed lives day after day in Honduras.
Carlos moved to Roatan after years of running a successful business in the U.S. He built a home on the beach. It was during a flight from the U.S. that he met a pastor/missionary and offered his home to house mission teams coming to the island. When this pastor/missionary left the island to move back to the U.S., Carlos carried on the work by taking on the task of finding and preparing projects for mission teams. This was not something he had to do. He chose to do this work. He feels pulled by God to do this work and so he does it tirelessly and with such incredible grace and love. The hospitality he shows, not only to teams but to all he encounters, is amazing.
Even though they host mission teams month after month on their own, Carlos and his son, Chris, take medicine to those who can’t afford it, pick up strangers and take them where they need to go, offer supplies to schools, prepare and purchase food for the hungry, and so much more. They have taught me so much about living in community, about taking care of those around me, and most importantly, they have taught me about how God sent His Son into the world to show us what loving God and loving one another truly means.
Julie Robinson, Executive Director of Studio 222