February 10, 2017

This morning I met with our “Under Construction: Building Better Dads and Husbands” Community Group. We started a new study today on the five major world religions. One of the members of our group kicked this series off and led us in a discussion about Hinduism. I found it fascinating to see the parallels that could be drawn between Hinduism and Christianity. The commitments that we both have to peace, wisdom, unity, and blessing life was striking. It’s not that I thought Hinduism promoted violence or ignorance, but it was interesting to see just how much we really have in common. I think that’s probably true about many other religions or groups of people if we choose to look at what we have in common rather than what makes us different.

However, what I really loved more than anything this morning was the opportunity to get together with other men who have a passion for growing in their faith. I love that every week I have a group of men who want to get out of bed early in the morning, get together to talk about our lives, and talk about how we can become the people God created us to be. There is a silent acknowledgment every week by our mere presence that although we want to be renewed in the image of God, we still have more room to grow.

That’s the beauty of Christian community and being part of a community group. It’s a realization that I’m not yet who God wants me to be, and I’m also not alone as I travel on that journey to get there. It’s an understanding that growing in our faith is a lifelong journey. Whether we are brand new to our faith or have been on this journey over the course of decades, we all need a group to belong to who will teach us, lift us up in times of need, and help us get to where God is leading us.